Title I - Parent Involvement Meetings
Dr. Sandra Mattocks, Director of Curriculum & Instruction, along with Mr. James Case, Principal of the MASD Elementary School, and Mr. Philip Heggenstaller, Principal of the MASD Intermediate School, will hold Parent Involvement Meetings as required by Title I. The meeting for elementary and intermediate parents and guardians is scheduled for October 18, 2022. We will host a Family Engagement Night that evening where students can explore STEM stations and play Bingo with their family after the parents' meeting. The evening will begin at 6PM and will be held in our Intermediate School building.
Information to share:
The District operates school-wide programs in both our buildings. That means that students do not need to qualify for support; we support all students with our funds. The purpose of the meeting is to provide opportunity for dialog about the Title I Program, present State assessment data, introduce our materials and resources, answer any questions, and be open to suggestions parents may have with regard to the operation of the program.