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SAP Team


The Student Assistance Program will identify, intervene, refer, follow-up, and support students who are dealing with or living with drug and alcohol problems, suicide tendencies, mental health issues, and other at-risk behaviors.  The team will commit themselves to reacting quickly and with sensitivity to all crisis situations.  They will involve parents in the SAP process and utilize outside agencies that are available to the school district.  They will also strive to provide curricular and extracurricular activities in an effort to encourage all students to live a healthy lifestyle.

How do I make a referral?


Call the Mifflinburg Area Middle School (570-966-8290) and ask to speak to an administrator, guidance counselor, or an SAP team member.


Speak to a guidance counselor, any SAP team member, or any teacher to make a referral. If you’re a friend of a student at Mifflinburg Middle School and you do not attend the Mifflinburg Schools, follow the same suggestions as those listed for PARENTS & COMMUNITY MEMBERS.


Obtain a referral form from the office, faculty room, or from any SAP team member.

All referrals will be kept confidential by the SAP Team!

When do I make a referral?

It may be time to refer a student if you notice any of these signals:

~Domestic violence, child abuse, rape, or other assault
~Previously attempted or spoken of suicide
~Developed significant changes in peer relationships
~Exhibits dare-devil or self-abusive behaviors
~Withdrawn socially from family, friends, and teachers
~Experiencing underachievement in school
~Exhibits signs of not wanting to finish school
~Is involved with a member of a family unit that abuses drugs
~Significant loss of a family member or friend (anniversary of loss)
~Diminished interest in usual pursuits
~Experienced broken or difficult family relationships
~Involvement in illegal behavior

Click on SAP Program Flyer for further information.

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Members of the MS SAP Team

  • Mr. Fee - Middle School Teacher
  • Mr. Reitz - Middle School Teacher
  • Mr. Hunsberger - Middle School Principal
  • Mr. Struasburg - Middle School Assistant Principal
  • Miss Jenna Bogovich - Middle School Guidance Counselor
  • Mr. Baker – Family & Child Specialist