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High School Course Weights

Class rank shall be computed by the final weighted course percentage average for which credit is awarded. Weighted courses are listed below:

Class Weight
Chemistry 1.04
French III 1.04
French IV 1.04
Honors Algebra II 1.04
Honors American Cultures I 1.04
Honors American Cultures II 1.04
Honors American Literature 1.04
Honors Biology  1.04
Honors British Literature 1.04
Honors English Language
Arts 9
Honors Geometry -Trigonometry 1.04
Honors World Cultures 1.04
Honors World Literature 1.04
Physics  1.04
Pre-Calculus 1.04
Spanish III 1.04
Spanish IV 1.04


Class Weight
AP Biology 1.08
AP Calculus AB 1.08
AP Chemistry 1.08
AP English Language 1.08
AP English Literature 1.08
AP Euro History 1.08
AP Physics 1.08
AP Psychology 1.08
AP Statistics 1.08
AP Studio Art 2-D 1.08
AP U.S. History 1.08
Penn College Now Courses 1.08