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Varsity Athletics

The Wildcat Archives

Mifflinburg Wildcats


Welcome to the Mifflinburg Wildcat Archives. The links to the left will allow you to choose a Mifflinburg varsity sport. Each sport's page includes a table outlining the years (seasons) of existence for the sport, the coach, the team's record and a listing of noteworthy accomplishments.

These pages are under construction. Information provided was collected from Mifflinburg's annual Nautilus' in 2012 by Eleanor Hoy. Additional information was collected by Danielle Dressler-Athletic Director, Eldon Hoy, and Ashtin Klingler, teacher, from the annual End-of-Season Reports submitted by coaches. 

We welcome any additions or substantiated corrections to our annals. We also wish to someday hope to include a bank of trusted graphics; including team photos, individual award photos and/or championship pictures. Please submit digital images to - with descriptions. We reserve the right to include only those photos that we choose and can validate.

Danielle Dressler
Athletic Director, MASD